Wednesday, October 17, 2018

(Blog 6) Option One: Gender and the 2018 Election

     Soloway's article was very interesting for me because I got a women's perspective. Right away, this article reminded me of how Kozol wrote his article. Soloway and Kristof both showed the reality of their topics by using real life situations and lots of quotes from people. Soloway's main argument was that the whole "boys will be boys" defense is used to excuse them from everything. Women are constantly shamed and being called derogatory words, but when men do repulsive things, it is always justified. She then shows examples of politicians, who are supposed to be professional, speaking down on women instead of doing their jobs. Donald Trump, as we all know, has said some awful sexist comments, which she points out in this article. This article shows that no matter what your job is, gender is still setting women back. Women are held to a higher expectation. Men are sexist to them, and women have to work twice as hard to be taken as seriously as men are. It is also harder for them to become a politician, because it is still seen as a "man's job". Lastly, these stereotypes of women that Soloway points out connects greatly to the Christensen article, because both show the sad reality of the impacts stereotyping can cause.
     As for the article, Stacey Abrams Didn't Play It Safe. Neither Do These Female Candidates., by Susan Chira and Matt Flegenheimer, this also sent a huge message. This article talks a lot about how there are many women as politics, but how hard they have to work to get there. It is brought up that, "As Democratic women run for House, Senate and state offices in historic numbers this year, many are bucking the careful and cautious ways of politics". It is so sad that women have to try harder, and tread quietly to be "equal" to men. Not only that, but women of color have it even harder. This relates closely to Kozol's article as well, because he deals with issues of race in his article. I found it so sad that being black and female is still such a huge issue for getting certain jobs. I think that these articles are very important to read. Women should not have to work harder than men, and still get talked down on for absolutely no reason other than their gender. This issue is far too real, and not just in politics either. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on both of the articles. I like how you connected Soloway's article to Christensen's article, and I agree that both show the impacts of stereotypes.

  2. I like reading your thoughts. I like the picture you have included as well.

  3. I like the point you make in your analysis of the first article that women are held to a higher expectation than men. When men act inappropriately, we chalk it up to “boys being boys”. Women don’t have this excuse. All people should be held accountable for their actions. Men should not be excused because of their gender. Great job!

  4. Emily,

    I really like your analysis of these articles! Especially the first article, because I think it's so important that we start teaching children everyone should be treated equally. We can't let them believe excuses such as "boys will be boys" is a reason to abuse women. Great job!

  5. I really enjoyed the way you weaved the article into your thinking. The picture you used definitely helps support and prove your points.

  6. I feel the picture emphasizes the meaning of your ideas. I agree with the points you've made. Overall, good job!
