Saturday, October 13, 2018

(Blog 5) "Safe Spaces" by Annemarie Vaccaro, Gerri August, and Megan S. Kennedy


     I chose to extend Marissa's comments, because she chose very good quotes for her blog post! Her first quote was sad, but what she said to go with it was even more sad to me. I can't believe that someone could judge a child so young for just simply playing. I agree with Marissa completely. Children should always feel comfortable enough to be themselves. Teachers and parents especially should not be the ones to shame them. Marissa's next chosen quote about death never being an option is simple, but so important. I think that helping people when you know they need it is so important. being kind can save someone's life. Her last quote was very shocking. It made me wonder what the rate of suicide among teenagers was. The number for just high schoolers alone is shocking. No one should be made to feel this way at this young of an age. One of the most shocking things I learned is that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in America alone. The last picture Marissa included inspired me to look up more statistics. The picture below is also mind blowing. Suicide rates are continuously increasing each year. I think Marissa's quotes are a huge eye opener on this topic. 

QUESTION: What changed between 1999 to now? Why are suicide rates increasing and what can we do to stop it? Hopefully we discuss this more in class, though the August article has many examples of real life situation that leads kids into this path.


  1. those statistics really illuminate the growing problem with suicide. it's really disheartening. I hope that, as a society we can turn those numbers around and come up with solutions to decrease these statistics.

  2. Thanks for liking the quotes I have used! they were such eye opener for me! I like the chart u included. I wanted to look further into it just haven't had time yet.
